Wednesday, February 13, 2013


My next WYSO concert is on March 17th. gtg! I have piano lessons and have to leave ASAP!

Going crazy

I know this is crazy, but I completely forgot i even had a blog! We've been super busy lately.... so yeah.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sign Language

I got a book from the library that has  how to do sign language in it, so if you want to have fun with me, at least learn the alphabet, so we can have a secret code..... (Sweet!)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

WYSO Concert

Hey everyone! My WYSO concert is on November 18, so if you are planning to come (or just really want to, but your parents haven't really said yes...) that's when it is. I'm not sure what time though.....

Friday, September 28, 2012


WYSO (Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra) started on the 8th, and is a lot of fun!!! The video is wyso a few years ago, but we're doing the same song this year. For violin, I got a new teacher a while ago, and she's a little strict..... but I like her!PIano too, I just got  a new teacher three weeks ago, and she lives less than ten minutes from our house!!! She's an older lady, but a very good player and teacher.


School started on the 4th, and has been going pretty good. It's been kinda crazy actually..... we decided not to do a co-op, but now we're doing like a small co-op with just one other family. They only have 3 boys... no girls!! But their Mom is really nice, and she likes to do girl stuff. I feel bad for her because she really wants a daughter..... and I can't agree more! Who wouldn't want a daughter?!?!?! School is actually kinda fun, because I'm doing more reading and writing, and some home ec too. My math program's fun, but kinda hard.... oh well.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mt. Olympus

We actually already went this summer, but tomorow we're going back to Mt. Olympus in the Dells!It's so much fun and now we can get tickets for free! on their website, so we might have some friends go, but it'd have to be short (REALLY SHORT!)  notice! the tickets a for free waterpark, and you can pay 15.00 for the rides and I did that last time, but I decided not to this time, because my back really hurt from the rollercoasters!